slowcooking haybox

Dining with Høkasse, the taste of slowcooking

A few days ago we organized a dinner with friends to try out Høkasse, the slowcooking appliance that doesn’t require energy at all while cooking. Slowcooking is a well-known cooking technique to chefs and gourmands, yet not commonly used by regular people. With our rushy lifestyle, how on earth can we have time to slowcook for 5-6 hours?? Surprisingly enough, it’s pretty quick to cook with the Høkasse… actually I think it’s quicker than regular cooking on the stove!

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My friend V. and I decided to do our first experimento on a Sunday. In the morning we went to have breakfast together and grocery shopping. We got home aroud midday and we cut vegetables and prepared the meat for the Ossobuco recipe. We put the pot with meat and vegetables on the cookstove for only 10 minutes, unitl well heated up. Then we put it straight into the Høkasse, closed the lid and… Forgot about it! 🙂 We enjoyed our free time for the rest of the day until we enjoyed our delightful slowcooked meal in the evening!

You have to try out the experience yourself! You’ll be surprised by the lovely newly harvested taste of vegetables, meat and potatoes when cooked in the Høkasse



Visiting 8 House Copenhagen, a unique treasure of social and eco architecture

Last weekend I got the chance to visit 8-tallet (The 8 House) from Bjarke Architechture. I spotted the project online a long time ago and I’ve always been fascinated by exploring the place on my own two feet. Thanks to my Green Girls friends I was able to enjoy a delightful afternoon tea from the inside of one of the houses… great view and coziness!

8 house copenhagen

green building copenhagen

green addict sfl

green building denmark

green bloggers


eco building

bike parking

lavanda lavander


The eight house



See you on the next Green Girls on Tour randezvous!

Credits for pics: Green Addict. Please email me if you wish to have high res.


Cool beer at the beach

I am in love with summer sunsets at the beach…  Especially with a cool beer on the side. Save energy and enjoy the natural cooler. Awesome results!

Apparently, what I tried out with my gluten-free beer, became soon a fashion at the beach!


PS: have you noticed the unique design of the jacket I’m wearing in the picture above? It’s one of my favorite, from the Italian eco-fashion designer Ecologina.


PPSS: the natural cooler works better and faster if you use it with organic juices/beers/drinks instead of sugar-artificial flavors packed Bacardi 🙂

Ironic environmental-social infographics #Blame Twitter by Tim Cooley

This won the “Design the Future Infographic” contest run by Poster Brain. Congrats to the author Tim Cooley! He figured out mash up some real data from Twitter and socio-environmental statistics on a death-like scenario background.

The effect is pretty fun, as the numbers indicated are true, but not actually related to each other.

“It’s a classic example that correlation does not imply causation“- as Randy Krum says on its blog.

Quest’infografica ha vinto il concorso “Design the Future Infographic” di Poster Brain. L’autore ha pensato di mettere insieme alcuni dati raccolti dalle statistiche di Twitter con altri provenienti dalle recenti indagini socio-economiche… senza che i due mondi abbiano in realtà una correlazione!

Lo stile secco e cupo da fine-del-mondo non fa altro che accentuare l’ironia della cosa. Come commenta Randy Krum sul suo blog, questa è un’inequivocabile dimostrazione che “la correlazione non implica un rapporto causa-effetto”… Bravo Tim Cooley!

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[ Cool Infographics ]

Solar energy

Un gruppo di ricercatori del MIT di Boston ha messo a punto un semplice ed economico kit per crearsi il pannello solare in casa, riutilizzando i resti della tosatura del giardino, un vecchio supporto in vetro o metallo e pochi semplici fili. Un’energia più verde di così…! • Home made solar panel from grass clipping, researchers from MIT Boston claim it’ll be soon available. Simple, cheap and very-very green!ボストンにあるMITという大学から自分で出来るソーラーパネルです。特徴は草から作られているそうです。安くて簡単にできますし、本当にグリーンエネルギーだろう。*英語でグリーンというのは「緑」のことです。

Watch the  video • 3′

[co.exist ]