Why giving up with sugar in your diet?

I’ve heard people saying “sugar is a poison for the body” and this kind of stuff, but as I don’t really suffer from diabetes (yet!), why should I bother in giving up with sugar?

3 reasons for doing it

1. Watch this brief docufilm published today on The Guardian about sugar crops in Cambodia supplying 90% of European market.

2. As the last book from the from the American author Moss explains, Salt Sugar and Fat are dangerous for our healt, especially when mixed together in processed food.


3. Sugar is addictive, like the more you have the more you want of it. Sugar is also the main responsible of those annoying ‘holes’ you feel in your stomach when you are starving. The expectation should be no sugar no starving any more.



My small change

Avoiding completely sugar is not easy, as drinking bitter coffee and herbal tea won’t save us. Sugar is already added to most of the beverages we like to enjoy, especially in the summertime – juices, fizzing drinks, lemonades, milkshakes, etc – and both in sweet and salted baked products we buy.So my suggestion would be




To have an overview of the different existing types of sugar read here.

To have an overview of the alternatives, just look around you and dare experiment in your kitchen!

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